BSA Gold Star


The “Club” shall mean the “BSA Gold Star Owners Club”
To encourage and promote the use, ownership and preservation of the BSA Gold Star and Rocket Gold Star motor cycles; to foster and encourage both directly and indirectly the preservation of all books, prints, photographs, records, data, objects and any other miscellany pertaining in ant way to the history of the Gold Star and Rocket Gold star; to provide service of a type to assist in the accomplishment and furtherance of the objectives of the Club.
To promote, organise or co-operate in the organisation of, events in relation to road riding, racing, scrambling, trials and touring. Give or contribute towards prizes and awards. To encourage social events and promote award ceremonies for members.
To edit and publish a monthly magazine. The Editor’s decision as to the contents of the magazine shall be final.
To purchase, hire, make or provide and maintain and sell or otherwise dispose of all kinds of equipment and other items required for the running of the Club or in connection with social events.
To buy, or have made, supply, sell spare parts which may be required to carry out the objectives of the club.
To support and subscribe to any institution or organisation which would be of benefit to the Club.
To invest the monies of the Club not immediately required in such a manner for the benefit of the Club.
To do all such lawful things as a re incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.
Membership shall be available to any person interested in the aims of the Club.
The joining and subscription fees payable by the members to the Club shall be decided solely at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the level of such fees shall not be changed or varied more than once in any twelve (12) month period.
Honorary membership of the Club may be given to any person, whether a member or not, on the passing of an ordinary resolution at the AGM. There will be o restriction on the number of Honorary Members.
Each member shall be entitled to be furnished with a current copy of the Club rules as soon as practicable and to receive a current copy of the official Club magazine and any other free publication which is approved by the Committee.
Any Member whose subscription is not paid by the end of one calendar month from the due date shall be deemed to have resigned from the Club with effect from the date when the subscription was due.
Any Member who resigns will not be entitled to any refund of subscriptions paid.
A Family Member is defined as a person residing within the same dwelling of a fully paid up Member. The subscription fee shall be determined from time to time at an AGM.
The Committee shall have the power to refuse membership or expel any Member considered guilty of prejudicial conduct, abusing the Club rules or disobeying motions passed by majority vote of Members. The Committee decision will be by majority vote.
The date and time of the next Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Club shall be decided at the closure of the previous AGM and notice shall be given in the Club magazine at least one month prior to the date.
The notice of a General meeting shall be given by inclusion in the club magazine or in any such manner that the Chairman may direct.
An Extraordinary General meeting (EGM) can be called by a member of the Club (proposer) presenting to the Chairman a written request stating the reason. for the request. The request must be countersigned by a second Club Member (seconder) and supported by fifteen (15) Club members’ signatures. Any member wishing to call an EGM is to have the right to publicise the request in the official Club magazine. and to invite signatures in support of the request. This will extend the democratic rights of the members whilst ensuring that a small number of members cannot involve the Club in extra costs without convincing a representative number of members of their case. The Chairman must hold the EGM within sixty (600 days.
If the Chairman is not present within half an hour after the time appointed for a meeting, or is unwilling to act, the Vice Chairman may stand in the Chairman’s place. If the vice Chairman is not available, or is unwilling to act, then the members of the Committee present may appoint one of their number to act as chairman of the meeting.
The conduct and management of the affairs of the Club shall be the responsibility of the Committee Members.
Committee members shall be elected every 12 months at the AGM.
There shall be a job description for each position on the Committee with a copy of the that job description held by the current Chairman and Committee Member to whom that job description appertains..
There shall be Committee meetings held during the year. The number and timing to be decided by the Chairman and Committee as necessary.
A Committee member can recommend to the Chairman or the Chairman can recommend that a member or a person from outside the Club be invited to serve on a sub-committee to fulfill a special duty or to give advice on a specific subject. The persons can only be invited after approval by a majority of the Committee. Those invited shall not have any voting rights on the Committee.
Committee members may claim a mileage allowance for attending Committee meetings only. The amount to be determined at the AGM. The mileage to be calculated using a recognised mileage chart. The distance claimed to be from the nearest town or city to the member’s home to the venue of the meeting. Committee Members living within a twenty five (25) mile radius of the venue are excluded from this mileage allowance.
There shall be o age limit restriction for Committee membership.
A Club Member shall not be eligible for office (a) if notice is given of resignation (b) if self employed or in a business or in employment relating to Gold stars and/or Rocket Gold Stars and could profit from this.
upon retirement of resignation a Committee Member shall return all Club property to the Club.
A full, up to date, list of all Club officials shall be published inside the front cover of the Club magazine.
At each AGM a set of accounts comprising current balance sheet, income and expenditure, a statement of the high interest account and assets sheet shall be available for attending members. A copy of the accounts to be circulated with the minutes of the meeting in the Club magazine.
An Auditors’ report shall be presented at the AGM with circulation as for the accounts.
Every member of the Club undertakes to contribute to the assets of the Club in the event of the Club being wound up whilst he or she is a member or within one year afterwards; for payment of the debts and liabilities of the Club contracted before he or she ceases to be a member; the costs, charges and expenses of winding up and for the adjustments of the rights of the contributors among themselves such amount as may be required not exceeding one pound(¨£1). Upon winding up, the Club assets to be given to a nominated motorcycle charity. The charity will be decided upon by the Committee.
The Committee at any Committee meeting shall have the power from time to time to make, alter or repeal all such rules as they consider necessary, expedient or convenient for the proper conduct and management of the Club.
The Committee shall bring to the notice of the Members an explanation of all such rule changes in the Club magazine and in any event at the next AGM.

Whilst every effort is made to ensure that all information contained on this website is accurate, neither the BSA Gold Star Owners Club or its Officers or Membership can be held responsible for any inaccuracy in any articles or advertisements. Readers of this site must satisfy themselves that technical or other advice, solution, method material, product, or service printed therein is appropriate and safe for them and their machine.